A webarchiválás válogatott bibliográfiája (címmutató)
404 Not Found - Ki őrzi meg az internetet; Webarchiválás workshop az Országos Széchényi Könyvtárban
A Baseline Search Engine for Personal Life Archives
A browser for browsing the past web
A common language
A cseh web és a kötelespéldány-rendelet
A decade of web archiving in the National and University Library in Zagreb
A Framework for Aggregating Private and Public Web Archives
A Grounded Theory of Information Quality for Web Archives
A historian's view on the right to be forgotten
A History of an Internet Exchange Point
A Memento Web Browser for iOS
A Method for Identifying Personalized Representations in Web Archives
A New Online Archive of Encoded Fado Transcriptions.
A Proposal of a Big Web Data Application and Archive for the Distributed Data Processing with Apache Hadoop
A quantitative approach to evaluate Website Archivability using the CLEAR+ method
A query language for multi-version data web archives
A registry of archived electronic journals
A semantic architecture for preserving and interpreting the information contained in Irish historical vital records
A Study of Automation from Seed URL Generation to Focused Web Archive Development: The CTRnet Context
A System for Visualizing and Analyzing the Evolution of the Web with a Time Series of Graphs
A Time-aware Random Walk Model for Finding Important Documents in Web Archives
A Topic Transition Map for Query Expansion: A Semantic Analysis of Click-Through Data and Test Collections
A UWS Case for 200-Style Memento Negotiations ; Bulletin of IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries
A webarchiválásról történeti megközelítésben
a2o: Access to Archives from the National Archives of Singapore
Access and Scholarly Use of Web Archives
Access Patterns for Robots and Humans in Web Archives
Acquiring Web Content From In-Memory Cache
Adaptive search systems for web archive research
Agent-based Approach to WEB Exploration Process
An Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Large-scale Topical Web Pages
An Evaluation of Caching Policies for Memento Timemaps
An Overview of Web Archiving
Analysing and Enriching Focused Semantic Web Archives for Parliament Applications
Analyzing web archives through topic and event focused sub-collections
API-based social media collecting as a form of web archiving
Archival Crawlers and JavaScript: Discover More Stuff but Crawl More Slowly
Archival HTTP redirection retrieval policies
Archive-It 2: Internet Archive Strives to Ensure Preservation and Accessibility
Archives of the Americas, (Mostly) Free Online
ArchiveSpark - MS Independent Study Final Submission
ArchiveWeb: Collaboratively Extending and Exploring Web Archive Collections
Archiving and Analysing Techniques of the Ultra-Large-Scale Web-Based Corpus Project of NINJAL, Japan
Archiving before Loosing Valuable Data? Development of Web Archiving in Europe
Archiving in the Age of Digital Conversion: Notes for a Politics of "Remains."
Archiving in the networked world: betting on the future
Archiving in the networked world: preserving plagiarized works
Archiving of Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFRs) on State Government Web Sites
Archiving Software Surrogates on the Web for Future Reference.
Archiving the Internet - Web pages of political parties
Archiving the relaxed consistency web
Archiving the Russian and East European Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Web, 2013: A Pilot Project
Archiving the web using page changes patterns: a case study
Archiving the Web Using Page Changes Patterns: A Case Study
Archiving the Web, A Service Construct TT - Archiver le Web, un service en construction
Archiving Web Content: An Online Searcher Roundtable
Archiving Web Site Resources: A Records Management View
Archiving Websites in the Nordic Countries TT - Archiwizowanie stron internetowych w krajach nordyckich
Archiwizacja internetu – wnioski i rekomendacje z kilku raportów TT - Internet archiving - conclusions and recommendations from several reports
Archiwizacja internetu jako usługa naukowa TT - Internet archiving as a scientific service
ARCOMEM Crawling Architecture
ARCOMEM: From Collect-all ARchives to COmmunity MEMories
Arhivarea paginilor Web – iniţiative relevante de păstrare a patrimoniului digital european
Assembling the Living Archive: A Media-Archaeological Excavation of Occupy Wall Street
Avoiding Courseware With Slack
Avoiding spoilers: wiki time travel with Sheldon Cooper
Az első nyilvános webarchívum az Egyesült Királyságban
Az internet archiválása mint könyvtári feladat
Az OSZK-ban folyó kísérleti webarchiválási projekt első évének tapasztalatai
Behind the Scenes of the Global Information Society: Libraries and Big-time Politics
Big Data Processing of School Shooting Archives
Big is small, and changes slowly in Hungary
Bootstrapping Web Archive Collections from Social Media
Born Digital Legal Deposit Policies and Practices
Bots, Seeds and People: Web Archives As Infrastructure
Breaking in to the mainstream: demonstrating the value of internet (and web) histories
Bringing Your Physical Books to Digital Learners via the Open Library Project
Building a Future for Our Digital Memory: A Collaborative Infrastructure for Permanent Access to Digital Heritage in The Netherlands
Building a Living, Breathing Archive:A Review of Appraisal Theories and Approaches for Web Archives
Building a story tracer out of a web archive
Building and querying semantic layers for web archives (extended version)
Building Entity-centric Event Collections
Building the Foundation: Creating an Electronic-Records Program at the University of Miami
Can we find documents in web archives without knowing their contents?
Can we write a cultural history of the Internet? If so, how?
Can web presence predict academic performance?
Capture All the URLs: First Steps in Web Archiving
Capturing the Web at Large A Critique of Current Web Referencing Practices
Carbon Dating the Web: Estimating the Age of Web Resources
Case Studies in Web Sustainability
Challenges and Opportunities within Personal Life Archives
Challenges of archiving and preserving born-digital news applications
Choosing a Sustainable Web Archiving Method: A Comparison of Capture Quality
Client-side Reconstruction of Composite Mementos Using Serviceworker
Collect, Preserve, Access: Applying the Governing Principles of the National Archives UK Government Web Archive to Social Media Content
Collecting and preserving the Ukraine conflict (2014-2015): a web archive at University of California, Berkeley
Collecting Digital Content at the Library of Congress.
Collection & community building through web archiving: engaging with faculty and students in a collaborative web archiving project
Community, tools, and practices in web archiving: The state-of-the-art in relation to social science and humanities research needs
Compact Full-text Indexing of Versioned Document Collections
Comparing the Archival Rate of Arabic, English, Danish, and Korean Language Web Pages
Comparing Topic Coverage in Breadth-First and Depth-First Crawls Using Anchor Texts.
Constituer un réseau d’accès aux archives de l’internet : l’exemple français
Content Selection and Curation for Web Archiving
Copyright Challenges of Legal Deposit and Web Archiving in the National Library of Singapore.
Copyright in the networked world: digital legal deposit
Counting the uncountable: statistics for web archives
Creating a billion-scale searchable web archive
Creating and Consuming Metadata from Transcribed Historical Vital Records for Ingestion in a Long-Term Digital Preservation Platform
Crook, Edgar: Webarchiválás a webkettes világban
Cross-lingual Web Spam Classification
Data Management of Web Archive Research Data
Data Quality in Web Archiving
Demonstrating intelligent crawling and archiving of web applications
Deriving Dynamics of Web Pages: A Survey
Descriptive metadata for web archiving: Literature review of user needs
Descriptive metadata for web archiving: Review of harvesting tools
Desiderata for Exploratory Search Interfaces to Web Archives in Support of Scholarly Activities
Design and implementation of crawling algorithm to collect deep web information for web archiving
Designing Efficient Sampling Techniques to Detect Webpage Updates
Detecting Age of Page Content
Detecting Off-Topic Pages in Web Archives
Detecting off-topic pages within TimeMaps in Web archives.
Determining Users' Motivations to Participate in Online Community Archives: A Preliminary Study of Documenting Ferguson
Developing and raising awareness of the zine collections at the British Library
Developing Web Archiving Metadata Best Practices to Meet User Needs
Development of the National Library of the Czech Republic 2011–2016: Past, Present and Future
Developments in Digital Preservation at the University of Illinois: The Hub and Spoke Architecture for Supporting Repository Interoperability and Emerging Preservation Standards
Digital Contemporary History Sources, Tools, Methods, Issues
Digital Heritage and Heritagization ; Patrimoine et patrimonialisation numériques
Digital Humanities in the 21st Century:Digital Material as a Driving Force
Digital Libraries and Engines of Search: New Information Systems in the Context of the Digital Preservation
Digital Preservation Metadata Practice for Web Archives.
Digital Preservation through Archival Collaboration: The Data Preservation Alliance for the Social Sciences.
Digitálne pramene - národný projekt zberu a archivácie v roku 1.
Disappearing News Archives
Discovery Happens Here: PW Talks with Wikipedia's Jake Orlowitz
Doing Web history with the Internet Archive: screencast documentaries
Durable Top-k Search in Document Archives
Effects of Maximum Flow Algorithm on Identifying Web Community
Efficient Temporal Keyword Search over Versioned Text
Efficient Topical Focused Crawling Through Neighborhood Feature
Embracing Web 2.0: Archives and the Newest Generation of Web Applications.
End of Term 2016 Presidential Web Archive
Ensuring Long-Term Access to the Memory of the Web Preservation Working Group of the International Internet Preservation Consortium
Entity Extraction and Consolidation for Social Web Content Preservation
Erasing history. (Cover story)
Ether Today, Gone Tomorrow: 21st Century Sound Recording Collection in Crisis
Ethical Challenges and Current Practices in Activist Social Media Archives
Evaluating Sliding and Sticky Target Policies by Measuring Temporal Drift in Acyclic Walks Through a Web Archive
Evaluating sliding and sticky target policies by measuring temporal drift in acyclic walks through a web archive
EventSearch: A System for Event Discovery and Retrieval on Multi-type Historical Data
EverLast: A Distributed Architecture for Preserving the Web
Evolution of legal deposit in New Zealand
Exploiting the Social and Semantic Web for Guided Web Archiving
Exploring the Past of the Web: Alexandria & Archive-it Hackathon
Exploring Web Archives Through Temporal Anchor Texts
Extracting Evolution of Web Communities from a Series of Web Archives
Factors Affecting Website Reconstruction from the Web Infrastructure
Featured Web Resource: Theological Commons
Felieton "archiwalny" – ponownie po pięciu latach
Finding Pages on the Unarchived Web
Finding the unfound: Recovery of missing URLs through Internet Archive
First crawling of the Slovenian National web domain *.si: pitfalls, obstacles and challenges
First Steps in Archiving the Mobile Web: Automated Discovery of Mobile Websites
FluxCapacitor: Efficient Time-travel Text Search
Focused Crawl of Web Archives to Build Event Collections
Focused crawler for events.
For Old Times' Sake: Technostalgia's Greatest Hits
Forget Me Net, Not.
Formátová analýza sklizených dat v rámci projektu WebArchiv NK ČR. (Czech)
Fotografia cyfrowa i technologia 360o – zastosowanie w projektach realizowanych przez Politechnikę Wrocławską TT - Digital photography and 360o technology - applied in projects realized by Wroclaw University of Technology
From a System of Journals to a Web of Objects
From Web Archive to WebDigest: Concept and Examples
Functionalities of Web Archives
Fuse: A Reproducible, Extendable, Internet-scale Corpus of Spreadsheets
Gathering the 'Net: Efforts and Challenges in Archiving Pacific Websites
Generating Stories From Archived Collections
Getting Started in Web Archiving
Getting to Know Our Web Archive: A Pilot Project to Collaboratively Increase Access to Digital Cultural Heritage Materials in Wyoming
Global Web Archive Integration with Memento
Government Surveillance and Declassified Documents.
Growing a web archiving program: A case study for evolving an organization-management plan
Growing an Archives Department: (And Other Concerns of a New Library Manager)
Hard Content, Fab Front-End: Archiving Websites of Dutch Public Broadcasters
Here Today, Gone within a Month: The Fleeting Life of Digital News
Hiberlink: Towards Time Travel for the Scholarly Web
Historians and Web Archives.
Histrace: Building a Search Engine of Historical Events
How can we improve our web collection? An evaluation of webarchiving at the KB National Library of the Netherlands (2007-2017)
How it Happened
How Much of the Web is Archived?
How Perceptions of Web Resource Boundaries Differ for Institutional and Personal Archives
How to Choose a Digital Preservation Strategy: Evaluating a Preservation Planning Procedure
How to Search the Internet Archive Without Indexing It
How Well Are Arabic Websites Archived?
Hungarian web archiving pilot project in the National Széchényi Library
Hypertext and "Twitterature".
iCrawl: Improving the Freshness of Web Collections by Integrating Social Web and Focused Web Crawling
Impact of URI Canonicalization on Memento Count
Index Maintenance for Time-travel Text Search
Information Evolution in Wikipedia
Infrastructure for Supporting Exploration and Discovery in Web Archives
Intelligent Crawling of Web Applications for Web Archiving
Intelligent Event Focused Crawling
Internet Archive joins history's great libraries
Internet Archive, Reed Tech Agree
"Internet Archive": la conservación de lo efímero TT - "Internet Archive": the conservation of the ephemeral
Internet histories: the view from the design process
InterPlanetary Wayback: The Permanent Web Archive
Into the Dark Domain: The UK Web Archive as a Source for the Contemporary History of Public Health.
Introducing Web Archives as a New Library Service: the Experience of the National Library of France
Introduction: Internet histories
Introduction: The Web’s first 25 years
Investigation of the Currency, Disappearance and Half-Life of Urls of Web Resources Cited In Iranian Researchers: A Comparative Study.
InZeit: Efficiently Identifying Insightful Time Points
Journey to the Past: Proposal of a Framework for Past Web Browser
Just-in-time Recovery of Missing Web Pages
Kultura brytyjskiej sieci web TT - British culture web
Learning temporal-dependent ranking models
Legal deposit and collection development in a digital world
Legal Issues Related to Whole-of-Domain Web Harvesting in Australia
Leveraging Heritrix and the Wayback Machine on a Corporate Intranet: A Case Study on Improving Corporate Archives
Libraries and digital memory
Life Span of Web Pages: A Survey of 10 Million Pages Collected in 2001
Linking Objects and their Stories: An API For Exploring Cultural Heritage Using Formal Concept Analysis
Living Movements, Living Archives: Selecting and Archiving Web Content During Times of Social Unrest
Local Memory Project: Providing Tools to Build Collections of Stories for Local Events from Local Sources
Local Methods for Estimating Pagerank Values
Long-term preservation at the National Library of France (BnF): Scalable Preservation and Archiving Repository (SPAR)
Long-Term Preservation of the Finnish Web Archive
Lost but not forgotten: finding pages on the unarchived web
Lost in the Infinite Archive: The Promise and Pitfalls of Web Archives.
Managing Duplicates in a Web Archive
Managing Your Digital Afterlife
Mapping the UK Webspace: Fifteen Years of British Universities on the Web
MemGator - A Portable Concurrent Memento Aggregator
Memory Entanglements and Collection Development in a Transnational Media Landscape
Memory Hole or Right to Delist? Implications of the Right to be Forgotten for Web Archiving ; Trou mémoriel ou droit au déréférencement ? Les implications du droit à l’oubli pour l’archivage du Web
Metadata for a Web Archive: PREMIS and XMP as Tools for the Task.
Metadata mix and match
Methods and Approaches to Using Web Archives in Computational Communication Research
Methods of Web Philology: Computer Metadata and Web Archiving in the Primary Source Documents of Contemporary Esotericism
Micro Archives as Rich Digital Object Representations
Migrating Web Archives from HTML4 to HTML5: A Block-Based Approach and Its Evaluation
Mining Relevant Time for Query Subtopics in Web Archives
Mining the information architecture of the WWW using automated website boundary detection.
MIT's CWSpace project: packaging metadata for archiving educational content in DSpace
Mobile Mink
Mobilny pracownik – sprawozdanie z międzynarodowych warsztatów
Multiple Media Analysis and Visualization for Understanding Social Activities
Named Entity Evolution Analysis on Wikipedia
Named entity evolution recognition on the Blogosphere.
National Libraries' Traditional Collection Policy Facing Web Archiving
Nationale Grenzen im World Wide Web – Erfahrungen bei der Webarchivierung in der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek
NEAR-Miner: Mining Evolution Associations of Web Site Directories for Efficient Maintenance of Web Archives
Nearline Web Archiving
Negotiating the Web of the Past
Nemzetközi körkép a webarchiválás gyakorlatáról
New medium, old archives? Exploring archival potential in The Live Art Collection of the UK Web Archive
No Copies, No Comments
No More 404s
Not all mementos are created equal: measuring the impact of missing resources
Now You See It, Now You Don't. Unless ...
Nuove prospettive per il web archiving: gli standard ISO 28500 (formato WARC) e ISO/TR 14873 sulla qualità del web archiving
Observations on the development of non-print legal deposit in the UK
Observing Web Archives: The Case for an Ethnographic Study of Web Archiving
Offene Archive: Archive, Nutzer und Technologie im Miteinander.
On Automatically Tagging Web Documents from Examples
On Identifying the Bounds of an Internet Resource
On the Applicability of Delicious for Temporal Search on Web Archives
Online British Official Publications from the University of Southampton
Only One Out of Five Archived Web Pages Existed as Presented
Ontology-Based Automatic Annotation: An Approach for Efficient Retrieval of Semantic Results of Web Documents
Open data as political web archives : citizen involvement or reputation’s elected in a « digital public sphere » ?
Optimizing Positional Index Structures for Versioned Document Collections
Out from the PLATO cave: uncovering the pre-Internet history of social computing
Partnerships on Campus: Roles and Impacts in Developing a New Online Research Resource at Boston College
Passing on the Lessons of the Great East Japan Earthquake to Future Generations—The National Diet Library Great East Japan Earthquake Archive
Performance Measurement and Analysis of Transactional Web Archiving
Perma: Scoping and Addressing the Problem of Link and Reference Rot in Legal Citations
Persistent annotations deserve new URIs
Personal Archiving: Preserving Our Digital Heritage
Políticas e tecnologias de preservação digital no arquivamento da web ; Policies and technologies to digital preservation in web archiving ; Política y tecnologías de preservación digital en el archivo de la web
POSTER: Predicting Website Abuse Using Update Histories
Practical Digital Preservation: A How-to Guide for Organizations of Any Size
Preparing to Preserve: Three Essential Steps to Building Experience with Long-Term Digital Preservation
Preservation of Database on Website -Accessibility Survey for “Dnavi (Database Navigation Service)” and Sustainability of Online Databases
Preserving born-digital catalogues raisonnés: Web archiving at the New York Art Resources Consortium (NYARC)
Preserving cultural heritage: Better together!
Preserving digital legal deposit - new challenges and opportunities
Preserving Meaning, Not Just Objects: Semantics and Digital Preservation
Preserving Seeds of Knowledge: A Web Archiving Case Study.
Preserving Social Media: The Problem of Access.
Preserving the internet
Prizm: A Wireless Access Point for Proxy-Based Web Lifelogging
Problem archiwizacji internetu w kontekście egzemplarza obowiązkowego : sytuacja w Polsce i wybranych krajach europejskich TT - The problem of archiving the Internet in the context of a mandatory copy: the situation in Poland and selected European countri
Problems of Long-Term Preservation of Web Pages TT - Problematika Dolgorocne Hrambe Spletnih Strani
Profiling web archive coverage for top-level domain and content language
Quality Assurance Paradigms in Web Archiving Pre and Post Legal Deposit
Rank Synopses for Efficient Time Travel on the Web Graph
Ranking Archived Documents for Structured Queries on Semantic Layers
Reconstruction of the US First Website
Recovering a Website's Server Components from the Web Infrastructure
Recovery of vanished URLs: Comparing the efficiency of Internet Archive and Google
Report on the Workshop on Web Archiving and Digital Libraries (WADL 2013)
Researching Communicative Practice: Web Archiving in Qualitative Social Media Research
Retrieving Broken Web Links Using an Approach Based on Contextual Information
Rewriting History
Robust Links in Scholarly Communication
Role and justification of web archiving by national libraries
Routing Memento Requests Using Binary Classifiers
Scaling Down Distributed Infrastructure on Wimpy Machines for Personal Web Archiving
Scaling Up Perma.cc: Ensuring the Integrity of the Digital Scholarly Record
Scholarly Context Adrift: Three out of Four URI References Lead to Changed Content.
Scraping SERPs for Archival Seeds: It Matters When You Start
Scripts in a frame: A framework for archiving deferred representations
Search Engine Update
Selecting websites in an encyclopaedic national library ; La sélection de sites web dans une bibliothèque nationale encyclopédique ; Selecting websites in an encyclopaedic national library : A shared collection policy for BnF internet legal deposit ; La s
Self-Indexing RDF Archives.
Semantic recommender system for the recovery of the preserved web heritage
Semantic URL Analytics to Support Efficient Annotation of Large Scale Web Archives
Seminarium “Archiwizacja Internetu” w LaCH UW TT - Seminar "Archiving the Internet" at LaCH UW
Separating the Wheat from the Chaff: Identifying Key Elements in the NLA .Au Domain Harvest
Silencing Marginalized Voices: The Fragmentation of the Official Record - Library & Information Science Collection - ProQuest
Social Media Collecting at the National Library of New Zealand
SpotSigs: Robust and Efficient Near Duplicate Detection in Large Web Collections
Sprint Methods for Web Archive Research
Structural and Visual Comparisons for Web Page Archiving
Sub-document Timestamping of Web Documents
Supporting student research with semantic technologies and digital archives
Surfing Notes: An Integrated Web Annotation and Archiving Tool
Tales from The Keepers Registry: Serial Issues About Archiving & the Web
Technical Architecture Overview: Tools for Acquisition, Packaging and Ingest of Web Objects into Multiple Repositories
Technology Intersecting Culture: The British Slave Trade Legacies Project
Technology: LC's New Born-Digital Archives
Temporal Analog Retrieval Using Transformation over Dual Hierarchical Structures
The Archival Acid Test: Evaluating Archive Performance on Advanced HTML and JavaScript
The ARCOMEM Architecture for Social- and Semantic-Driven Web Archiving
The Business of Making E-books Free
The California Light and Sound Collection: Preserving Our Media Heritage
The colors of the national Web: visual data analysis of the historical Yugoslav Web domain
The Dawn of Today's Popular Domains
The Design of a Cloud-Based Website Parallel Archiving System.
The Digital Documents Harvesting and Processing Tool.
The digitization of early English books: A database comparison of Internet Archive and Early English Books Online
The End of the Television Archive as We Know It? The National Archive as an Agent of Historical Knowledge in the Convergence Era
The Experience of the National Libraries Abroad of the Collection and Longterm Preservation of Internet Resources
The Future of the Past of the Web
The Future of Web Citation Practices
The impact of JavaScript on archivability
The Importance of Web Archives for Humanities
The Influence of Client Platform on Web Page Content: Measurements, Analysis, and Implications
The Interconnected Web: A Paradigm for Managing Digital Preservation.
The Kulturarw Project — The Swedish Royal Web Archive
The Missing Link: Observations on the Evolution of a Web Archive.
The Online Media Environment of the North Caucasus: Issues of Preservation and Accessibility in a Zone of Political and Ideological Conflict
The Past Issue of the Web
The role of Internet Wayback Machine in a multi-method research project
The Rosarium Project
The SHARC framework for data quality in Web archiving
The state of e-legal deposit in France: Looking back at five years of putting new legislation into practice and envisioning the future.
The Technologies of Web Archiving
The Web as History: Using Web Archives to Understand the Past and the Present
The Web-at-Risk at Three: Overview of an NDIIPP Web Archiving Initiative
The Website 'Archiwum Internetu' Against a Background of Problems with Archiving Web Resources TT - Serwis "Archiwum Internetu" na tle ogolnych problemow archiwizacji zasobow sieciowych
The World Wide Web as Complex Data Set: Expanding the Digital Humanities into the Twentieth Century and Beyond through Internet Research.
This is the future: A reconstruction of the UK business web space (1996–2001)
Time-aware Approaches to Information Retrieval
To Relive the Web: A Framework for the Transformation and Archival Replay of Web Pages
Tools and techniques for harvesting the world wide web
Toward comprehensive event collections
Towards a national web in a federated country : a Belgian case study
Towards a Peer2Peer World-wide-web for the Broadband-enabled User Community
Towards a Sustainable Crowdsourced Sound Heritage Archive by Public Participation: The Soundsslike Project
Towards an Ethical Framework for Publishing Twitter Data in Social Research: Taking into Account Users’ Views, Online Context and Algorithmic Estimation
Towards Automatic Document Migration: Semantic Preservation of Embedded Queries
Tracking Entities in Web Archives: The LAWA Project
UK Official Publications: Managing the Transition to Electronic Deposit at the British Library
Uncovering the Unarchived Web
Understanding computational web archives research methods using research objects
Understanding Service Quality and System Quality Success Factors in Cloud Archiving from an End-User Perspective
Understanding the Position of Information Professionals with regards to Linked Data
Universal distant reading through metadata proxies with archivespark
Uporabna vrednost podatkov spletnih zajemov: arhiviranje spletnih mest in analiza spletnih vsebin TT - The practical value of web capture data: archiving Web sites and Web content analysis
Usage Analysis of a Public Website Reconstruction Tool
Using a Web-Archiving Service - How to ensure your cited web-references remain available and valid
Using Transactional Web Archives To Handle Server Errors
Using Visual Pages Analysis for Optimizing Web Archiving
Using web archives in research – an introduction
Usos do Arquivamento da Web na Comunicação Científica.
Vědecké využití dat z webových archivů.
Visualizing Historical Content of Web Pages
WARCProcessor: An Integrative Tool for Building and Management of Web Spam Corpora
Wayback Machine - podstawy wykorzystania TT - Wayback Machine - the basis of use
Web archive profiling through CDX summarization
Web Archive Profiling Through Fulltext Search
Web Archive Search as Research: Methodological and Theoretical Implications
Web Archives for Researchers: Representations, Expectations and Potential Uses
Web Archives for the Analog Archivist: Using Webpages Archived by the Internet Archive to Improve Processing and Description
Web Archives on Both Sides of the Atlantic Ocean -- Internet Archive, Wayback Machine and UK Web Archive TT - Archiwa internetowe po obu stronach Atlantyku Internet Archive, Wayback Machine oraz UK Web Archive
Web Archiving -- the Situation in Polish Law from the Point of View of the Librarians TT - Archiwizacja Internetu -- sytuacja w polskim prawie z punktu widzenia bibliotekarzy
Web Archiving at National Libraries Findings of Stakeholders’ Consultation by the Internet Archive
Web Archiving at the Library of Congress
Web Archiving Effort in National Library of China: Paper - iPRES 2012 - Digital Curation Institute, iSchool, Toronto
Web Archiving in the National and University Library
Web Archiving in the UK: Cooperation, Legislation and Regulation
Web archiving issues and challenges in State Government of Sarawak (Malaysia): Do they really need their website to be archived?
Web Archiving Methods and Approaches: A Comparative Study
Web archiving: ethical and legal issues affecting programmes in Australia and the Netherlands
Web Archiving: Issues and Problems in Collection Building and Access
Web Arkiver ; Web archives
Web Content Management Systems Archivability
Web Crawling
Web historiography and Internet Studies: Challenges and perspectives
Web Not for All: A Large Scale Study of Web Accessibility
Web Spam Challenge Proposal for Filtering in Archives
Web Spam Filtering in Internet Archives
Web-Archivierung an der Saarländischen Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek (SULB). (German)
Web-Archiving Chinese Social Media: Final Project Report August 2017.
Web-archívum made in Slovakia: Kísérleti projekt az elektronikus információforrások gyűjtésére és archiválására. A web mint kulturális örökség
Webarchiválás és a történeti kutatások
Webarchiválási politikák
Webarchivierung an der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek. (German)
Webarchivierung in der SUB Hamburg: kleine Schritte in der Region - Bausteine zu einem größeren Ganzen? (German)
Webarchiving: Legal Deposit of Internet in Denmark. A Curatorial Perspective
Website history and the website as an object of study
Webtörténetírás az Internet Archive-ból készített képernyővideókkal
What and where is the Internet? (Re)defining Internet histories
What Can History Tell Us?: Towards Different Models of Interaction with Document Histories
What does the Web remember of its deleted past? An archival reconstruction of the former Yugoslav top-level domain.
What Happens when Facebook is Gone?
What is Part of That Resource?: User Expectations for Personal Archiving
What's Really New on the Web?: Identifying New Pages from a Series of Unstable Web Snapshots
What's trending in libraries from the internet cybersphere - bookless libraries - 02 - 2016
When should I make preservation copies of myself?
When time meets information retrieval: Past proposals, current plans and future trends.
Where Did All the Information Go? Well at Least the Important Stuff
Where should the culture of our lives and memory be preserved? - Rethinking the role of the library.
Who and what links to the Internet Archive
Who Gets to Die of Dysentery?: Ideology, Geography, and The Oregon Trail
Witryna internetowa – dokumentacja czy publikacja? TT - Website - documentation or publication?
Your digital legacy.
Zum Stand der Webarchivierung in Baden-Württemberg. (German)